“We advocate, we educate, we empower”
Our online publication platform strives to educate healthcare practitioners about topics on sexual health that are often mis-represented in, or absent from, the healthcare curricula.
The platform, located on our main page of our website, includes two streams: (a) a professional insight stream for pieces written by certified healthcare practitioners that address clinical aspects of sexual health, and (b) an editorial stream for first-person narratives and perspective pieces that address non-clinical aspects of sexual health. We hope through this platform to curate accurate, credible, and informative resources that are made accessible to a wide range of healthcare practitioners. If you are interested in writing for us, please send an email to editor@thesexmed.com.
As an organization, we believe that it is important to be cognizant that some healthcare professionals will be writing pieces about providing care to communities that they do not themselves identify with. Their perspective comes from their experience in working and advocating for these communities, but are limited in that they themselves do not have a lived experience. We acknowledge these limitations and encourage healthcare professionals to reflect on their privilege and be transparent about their limitations in their written pieces.
Disclaimer: The content provided by Sex[M]ed is for information purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional health care or the work of a qualified healthcare practitioner.